UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM U-9C-3 QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO RULE 58 UNITIL CORPORATION (Name of Registered Holding Company) 6 Liberty Lane West, Hampton, New Hampshire 03842-1720 (Address of principal executive offices) ITEM 1 - ORGANIZATION CHART Name of Energy or Date of State of Percentage Nature of reporting gas-related organization organization of voting business company company securities held (Indentation indicates subsidiary relationship) Unitil Corporation Unitil Resources, Inc. Energy 5/26/93 NH 100% Energy Marketing and Consulting Usource, Inc. Energy 3/31/00 DE 100% Energy Marketing and Consulting Usource, LLC Energy 3/31/00 DE 100% Energy Marketing and Consulting Description of Various Consulting, Energy Marketing, Energy Management and Other Activities Undertaken by Unitil Resources Inc.: Staff providing services under the activities listed below (unless otherwise indicated) are located at Unitil Service Corp. (Unitil Service), 6 Liberty Lane West, Hampton, NH 03842-1720, where most client work is performed. From time to time staff visit other locations, predominately in New England, representing client interests. Energy Marketing Activities New Hampshire Pilot Program. As of July 1, 1996, Unitil Resources, Inc., became eligible to begin marketing electricity at retail to statewide participants in the New Hampshire Pilot Program. This program, which originally was scheduled to last 24 months, allows 3% of all electric customers in the State of New Hampshire to purchase electricity from the supplier of their choice. In 1998, the State of New Hampshire extended this program beyond the original 24 month period. Unitil Resources discontinued this program effective December 31, 1999. Unitil Resources had negative revenue from this program of $1,411 in the first quarter of 2000 which were a result of billing adjustments related to the prior year. Electricity and Natural Gas Brokerage. On March 25, 1999 Unitil Corporation acquired a minority interest in Enermetrix.com (formerly known as North American Power Brokers, Inc.), a privately held company providing Internet technology solutions to the energy industry. The Federal Communications Commission has determined that Enermetrix.com is an exempt telecommunications company, as that term is defined in PUHCA Section 34(a)(1), as amended. Unitil Corporation, through Unitil Resources, has licensed and deployed Enermetrix.com's innovative Internet-based technology for brokering electricity and natural gas energy transactions between retail consumers and energy suppliers. Unitil Resources offers the retail energy electronic commerce system developed and owned by Enermetrix.com to medium and large commercial and industrial customers, co-branded under the name "Usource", powered by Enermetrix.com's World Wide Retail Energy Exchange. Usource has expanded service to New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire. Revenues generated from this activity during the first quarter of 2000 were $32,453. ITEM 2 - ISSUANCES AND RENEWALS OF SECURITIES AND CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS Associate Reporting company company Type Net advancing receiving of Change funds funds transaction in contributions Unitil Unitil Capital contribution None Corporation Resources Inc. ITEM 3 - ASSOCIATE TRANSACTIONS Part I - Transactions Performed by Reporting Companies on Behalf of Associate Companies None. Part II - Transactions Performed by Associate Companies on Behalf of Reporting Companies Associate Reporting company company Types of Direct Indirect Total rendering receiving services costs costs Cost of amount services services rendered charged charged capital billed Unitil Unitil Energy $166,370 $143,580 $0 $309,950 Service Resources Marketing Corp. Inc. and Consulting Staff involved in providing service to Unitil Resources, Inc. (Unitil Resources) are located at Unitil Service Corp. (Unitil Service). Service is provided to Unitil Resources pursuant to a service agreement between Unitil Service and Unitil Resources dated July 1, 1993. Consulting services provided by Unitil Service during the first quarter of 2000 included regulatory, finance, accounting, marketing, energy management and administrative services. ITEM 4 - SUMMARY OF AGGREGATE INVESTMENT (Dollars in Thousands) Investments in Energy-related Companies: Total consolidated capitalization as of March 31, 2000 $163,896 Total capitalization multiplied by 15% 24,584 Greater of $50 million or line 2 $50,000 Total current aggregate investment: Energy-related business: Unitil Resources, Inc. 1,090 Total current aggregate investment 1,090 Difference between the greater of $50 million or 15% of capitalization and the total aggregate investment of the registered holding company system (line 3 less line 4) $48,910 Investments in Gas-related Companies None. ITEM 5 - OTHER INVESTMENTS Other Other Reason for Major line of investment in investment in difference in energy-related last U-9C-3 this U-9C-3 other business report report investment Energy Marketing $10,000 * $0 n/a and Consulting * The initial investment by Unitil Corporation in Unitil Resources, Inc. was $10,000. ITEM 6 - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND EXHIBITS A. Financial Statements - Page 1 of 2 Unitil Resources, Inc. (A Wholly-owned Subsidiary of Unitil Corporation) BALANCE SHEET (UNAUDITED) March 31, ASSETS: 2000 Service Company Property: Intangible Assets $1,041,518 Equipment 163,221 Total Service Company Property 1,204,739 Less: Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization (152,201) Net Service Company Property 1,052,538 Current Assets: Cash 20,891 Accounts Receivable 65,770 Prepayments 82,971 Total Current Assets 169,632 Deferred Debits 80,050 Total Assets $1,302,220 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY: Current Liabilities: Notes Payable $1,231,227 Accounts Payable 135,500 Taxes Accrued and Other (141,557) Total Current Liabilities 1,225,170 Stockholder's Equity: Common Stock, $1.00 par value Authorized - 10,000 shares Outstanding - 10,000 shares 100 Premium on Common Stock 9,900 Miscellaneous Paid in Capital 1,090,000 Retained Earnings (1,022,950) Total Stockholder's Equity 77,050 Total Liabilities and Equity $1,302,220 ITEM 6 - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND EXHIBITS A. Financial Statements - Page 2 of 2 Unitil Resources, Inc. (A Wholly-owned Subsidiary of Unitil Corporation) STATEMENT OF EARNINGS (UNAUDITED) Three Months Ended March 31, 2000 Revenues: Electric Revenues (1,411) Service Revenues 32,453 Total Revenues 31,042 Operating Expenses: Purchased Power (16,604) Depreciation and Amortization 52,467 Administrative and General 406,954 Provision for Income Taxes (142,186) Total Operating Expenses 300,631 Operating (Loss) Income (269,589) Interest Expense, net 12,089 Net (Loss) Income $(281,678) B. Exhibits None. SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, the undersigned company has duly caused this Certificate to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. Unitil Corporation By: /s/ Mark H. Collin Mark H. Collin Treasurer Dated: May 26, 2000 SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, the undersigned company has duly caused this Certificate to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. Unitil Corporation By: Mark H. Collin Treasurer Dated: May 26, 2000