UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 ______________________________________________________________________ Application of UNITIL Corporation ) ) CERTIFICATE PURSUANT TO and its Subsidiaries on Form U-1 ) RULE 24 UNDER THE PUBLIC ) UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY ACT (File No. 70-8623) ) of 1935 _____________________________________________________________________ Pursuant to the requirements of Rule 24 under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, UNITIL Corporation ("UNITIL"), on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries, Concord Electric Company, Exeter & Hampton Electric Company, Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company, UNITIL Power Corp., UNITIL Realty Corp., and UNITIL Service Corp., hereby files the attached quarterly report as required by the Securities and Exchange Commission's order approving short-term borrowings by UNITIL and its subsidiaries and approving the UNITIL System money pool (HCAR. No. 25773; File No. 70-8066; March 29, 1993; File No. 70-8623; July 11, 1995;). Exhibit Exhibit A - Quarterly Report of UNITIL Corporation and Its Subsidiaries by Short-term Borrowings and Money Pool Transactions for the third quarter of 1995. SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, the undersigned company has duly caused this Certificate to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. UNITIL CORPORATION By: __________________________ Gail A. Siart Treasurer and Secretary Dated: October 27, 1995 EXHIBIT A QUARTERLY REPORT BY UNITIL CORPORATION AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES OF SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS AND MONEY POOL TRANSACATIONS FOR THE THIRD QUARTER OF 1995 Concord Exeter & Hampton Fitchburg UNITIL Electric Electric Gas & Electric Corporation Company Company Light Company (a) Maximum Principal Amount of Short-term Borrowings Outstanding During the Third Quarter: Money Pool N/A $2,552,222 $1,698,413 $2,568,319 Banks None None None None (b) Average Interest Rate for the Money Pool Borrowings During the Third Quarter* N/A 6.519% 6.473% 6.448% (c) Maximum Amount Outstanding By Company for Each Source of Outside Borrowings During the Third Quarter: Bank of Boston None None None None Fleet Bank - NH None None None None Shawmut Bank, N.A. None None None None * Excludes Bank Service and Commitment Fees EXHIBIT A (cont) QUARTERLY REPORT BY UNITIL CORPORATION AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES OF SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS AND MONEY POOL TRANSACATIONS FOR THE THIRD QUARTER OF 1995 UNITIL UNITIL UNITIL Power Realty Service Corp. Corp. Corp. (a) Maximum Principal Amount of Short-term Borrowings Outstanding During the Third Quarter: Money Pool $1,524,934 $910,596 $678,353 Banks None None None (b) Average Interest Rate for the Money Pool Borrowings During the Third Quarter* 6.330% 6.407% 6.441% (c) Maximum Amount Outstanding By Company for Each Source of Outside Borrowings During the Third Quarter: Bank of Boston None None None Fleet Bank - NH None None None Shawmut Bank, N.A. None None None * Excludes Bank Service and Commitment Fees