Form U-13-60 Mutual and Subsidiary Service Companies Revised February 7, 1980 ANNUAL REPORT (1) FOR THE PERIOD Beginning January 1, 1997 and Ending December 31, 1997 TO THE US SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. Date of Incorporation May 26, 1993 State of Incorporation New Hampshire Location of Principal Executive Offices of Reporting Company: 6 Liberty Lane West Hampton, New Hampshire 03842-1720 Name, Title and address of officer to whom correspondence concerning this report should be addressed: Laurence M. Brock, Controller 6 Liberty Lane West Hampton, New Hampshire 03842-1720 Name of Principal Holding Company Whose Subsidaries are served by Reporting Company: UNITIL Corporation (1) This report is being filed pursuant to the requirements of H.C.A.R. Number 35-25816, which specifies that UNITIL Resources, Inc. must file an annual report using, where applicable, Form U-13-60 reporting format. ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 LISTING OF SCHEDULES AND ANALYSIS OF ACCOUNTS Description of Schedules and Accounts Schedule or Account Page Number Number COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET Schedule I 4-5 COMPANY PROPERTY Schedule II 6-7 ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION OF SERVICE COMPANY PROPERTY Schedule III 8 INVESTMENTS Schedule IV 9 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FROM ASSOCIATE COMPANIES Schedule V 10 FUEL STOCK EXPENSES UNDISTRIBUTED Schedule VI 11 STORES EXPENSE UNDISTRIBUTED Schedule VII 12 MISCELLANEOUS CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS Schedule VIII 13 MISCELLANEOUS DEFERRED DEBITS Schedule IX 14 RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, OR DEMONSTRATION EXPENDITURES Schedule X 15 PROPRIETARY CAPITAL Schedule XI 16 LONG-TERM DEBT Schedule XII 17 CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES Schedule XIII 18 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Schedule XIV 19 COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT Schedule XV 20 ANALYSIS OF BILLING - ASSOCIATE COMPANIES Account 457 21 ANALYSIS OF BILLING - NONASSOCIATE COMPANIES Account 458 22 ANALYSIS OF CHARGES FOR SERVICE - ASSOCIATE AND NONASSOCIATE COMPANIES Schedule XVI 23 SCHEDULE OF EXPENSE BY DEPARTMENT OR SERVICE FUNCTION Schedule XVII 24-25 DEPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS OF SALARIES Account 920 26 OUTSIDE SERVICES EMPLOYED Account 923 27 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS AND BENEFITS Account 926 28 GENERAL ADVERTISING EXPENSES Account 930.1 29 MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL EXPENSES Account 930.2 30 RENTS Account 931 31 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME TAXES Account 408 32 DONATIONS Account 426.1 33 OTHER DEDUCTIONS Account 426.5 34 NOTES TO STATEMENT OF INCOME Schedule XVIII 35 FINANCIAL DATA SCHEDULE Schedule XIX 36 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 LISTING OF INSTRUCTIONAL FILING REQUIREMENTS Page Number Description of Reports or Statements ORGANIZATION CHART 37 METHODS OF ALLOCATION 38 ANNUAL STATEMENT OF COMPENSATION FOR USE OF CAPITAL BILLED 39 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE I - COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET Give balance sheet of the Company as of December 31 of the current and prior year. ACCOUNT ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS AS OF DECEMBER 31 CURRENT PRIOR SERVICE COMPANY PROPERTY 101 Service company property (Schedule II) 0 0 107 Construction work in progress (Schedule II) 0 0 Total Property 0 0 108 Less accumulated provision for depreciation and amortization of service company property (Schedule III) 0 0 Net Service Company Property 0 0 INVESTMENTS 123 Investments in associate companies (Schedule IV) 0 0 124 Other investments (Schedule IV) 0 0 Total investments 0 0 CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS 131 Cash 51,232 2,491 134 Special deposits 0 0 135 Working funds 0 0 136 Temporary cash investments (Schedule IV) 0 0 141 Notes receivable 0 0 143 Accounts receivable 86,650 74,086 144 Accumulated provision for uncollectable accounts (2,465) (2,482) 146 Accounts receivable from associate companies (Schedule V) 254 0 152 Fuel stock expense undistributed (Schedule VI) 0 0 154 Materials and supplies 0 0 163 Stores expense undistributed (Schedule VII) 0 0 165 Prepayments 104 0 173 Unbilled and Accrued Revenues 0 0 (Schedule VIII) 85,537 39,623 Total Current and Accrued Assets 221,312 113,718 DEFERRED DEBITS 181 Unamortized debt expense 0 0 184 Clearing accounts 0 0 186 Miscellaneous deferred debits (Schedule IX) 0 0 188 Research, development, or demonstration expenditures (Schedule X) 0 0 190 Accumulated deferred income tax 0 0 Total Deferred Debits 0 0 TOTAL ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS 221,312 113,718 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE I - COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNT LIABILITIES AND PROPRIETARY CAPITAL AS OF DECEMBER 31 CURRENT PRIOR PROPRIETARY CAPITAL 201 Common stock issued (Schedule XI) 100 100 207 Premium on common stock (Schedule XI) 9,900 9,900 211 Miscellaneous Paid in Capital 100,000 0 215 Appropriated retained earnings (Schedule XI) 0 0 216 Unappropriated retained earnings (Schedule XI) (85,371) 45,119 Total Proprietary Capital 24,629 55,119 LONG-TERM DEBT 223 Advances from associate companies (Schedule XII) 0 0 224 Other long-term debt (Schedule XII) 0 0 225 Unamortized premium on long- term debt 0 0 226 Unamortized discount on long-term debt-debit 0 0 Total Long-Term Debt 0 0 227 Obligations under capital leases - non-current 0 0 CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES 231 Notes payable 150,810 0 232 Accounts payable 3,202 8 233 Notes payable to associate companies (Schedule XIII) 0 0 234 Accounts payable to associate companies (Schedule XIII) 110,945 102,797 236 Taxes accrued (67,597)(179,804) 237 Interest accrued 0 0 238 Dividends declared 0 0 241 Tax collections payable 0 0 242 Miscellaneous current and accrued liabilities (Schedule XIII) 279 136,560 243 Obligations under capital leases - current 0 0 Total Current and Accrued Liabilities 197,639 59,562 DEFERRED CREDITS 253 Other deferred credits 0 0 255 Accumulated deferred investment tax credits 0 0 Total Deferred Credits 0 0 282 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (956) (962) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND PROPRIETARY CAPITAL 221,312 113,718 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE II - COMPANY PROPERTY BALANCE AT RETIREMENTS OTHER BALANCE BEGINNING ADDITIONS OR CHANGES 1/ AT CLOSE DESCRIPTION OF YEAR SALES OF YEAR SERVICE COMPANY PROPERTY Account NONE 301 ORGANIZATION 303 MISCELLANEOUS INTANGIBLE PLANT 304 LAND AND LAND RIGHTS 305 STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS 306 LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS 307 EQUIPMENT 2/ 308 OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 309 AUTOMOBILES, OTHER VEHICLES AND RELATED GARAGE EQUIPMENT 310 AIRCRAFT AND AIRPORT EQUIPMENT 311 OTHER SERVICE COMPANY PROPERTY 3/ SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 107 CONSTRUCTION WORK IN PROGRESS TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 1/ PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION OF THOSE CHANGES CONSIDERED MATERIAL: ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE II - CONTINUED 2/ SUBACCOUNTS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH CLASS OF EQUIPMENT OWNED. THE SERVICE COMPANY SHALL PROVIDE A LISTING BY SUBACCOUNT OF EQUIPMENT ADDITIONS DURING THE YEAR AND THE BALANCE AT THE CLOSE OF THE YEAR: BALANCE AT SUBACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ADDITIONS CLOSE OF YEAR None TOTAL 0 0 3/ DESCRIBE OTHER SERVICE COMPANY PROPERTY: NONE 4/ DESCRIBE CONSTRUCTION WORK IN PROGRESS: NONE ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE III ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION OF SERVICE COMPANY PROPERTY BALANCE AT ADDITIONS OTHER BALANCE BEGINNING CHARGED CHANGES AT CLOSE DESCRIPTION OF YEAR TO ACCOUNT RETIRE- ADD OF YEAR 403 MENTS (DEDUCT)1/ Account NONE 301 ORGANIZATION 303 MISCELLANEOUS INTANGIBLE PLANT 304 LAND AND LAND RIGHTS 305 STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS 306 LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS 307 EQUIPMENT 308 OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 309 AUTOMOBILES, OTHER VEHICLES AND RELATED GARAGE EQUIPMENT 310 AIRCRAFT AND AIRPORT EQUIPMENT 311 OTHER SERVICE COMPANY PROPERTY TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 1/ PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION OF THOSE CHANGES CONSIDERED MATERIAL: ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE IV - INVESTMENTS INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following schedule concerning investments. Under Account 124 "Other Investments" state each investment separately, with description, including, the name of issuing company, number of shares or principal amount Under Account 136, "Temporary Cash Investments", list each investment separately. BALANCE AT BALANCE AT DESCRIPTION BEGINNING CLOSE OF YEAR OF YEAR ACCOUNT 123 - INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATED COMPANIES 0 0 ACCOUNT 124 - OTHER INVESTMENTS 0 0 ACCOUNT 136 - TEMPORARY CASH INVESTMENTS 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE V - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FROM ASSOCIATE COMPANIES INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following schedule listing accounts receivable from each associate company. Where the service company has provided accommodation or convenience payments for associate companies, a separate listing of total payments for each company, number of shares or principal amount associate company by subaccount should be provided. BALANCE AT BALANCE AT DESCRIPTION BEGINNING CLOSE OF YEAR OF YEAR ACCOUNT 146 - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FROM ASSOCIATE 0 254 COMPANIES TOTAL 0 254 ANALYSIS OF CONVENIENCE OR ACCOMMODATION PAYMENTS: NONE TOTAL PAYMENTS 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE VI - FUEL STOCK EXPENSES UNDISTRIBUTED INSTRUCTIONS: Report the amount of labor and expenses incurred with respect to fuel stock expense during the year and indicate amount attributable to each associate company. Under the section headed "Summary" listed below give an overall report of the fuel functions performed by the service company. DESCRIPTION LABOR EXPENSE TOTAL ACCOUNT 152 - FUEL STOCK EXPENSE UNDISTRIBUTED 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 SUMMARY: ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE VII - STORES EXPENSE UNDISTRIBUTED INSTRUCTIONS: Report the amount of labor and expenses incurred with respect to stores expense during the year and indicate amount attributable to each associate company. DESCRIPTION LABOR EXPENSE TOTAL ACCOUNT 163 - STORES EXPENSE UNDISTRIBUTED 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE VIII UNBILLED AND ACCRUED REVENUE INSTRUCTIONS: Provide detail of items in this account. Items less than $10,000 may be grouped, showing the number of items in each group. BALANCE AT BALANCE AT DESCRIPTION BEGINNING CLOSE OF YEAR OF YEAR ACCOUNT 173 - ACCRUED AND UNBILLED REVENUE 39,623 85,537 TOTAL 39,623 85,537 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE IX - MISCELLANEOUS DEFERRED DEBITS INSTRUCTIONS: Provide detail of items in this account. Items less than $10,000 may be grouped by class showing the number of items in each class. BALANCE AT BALANCE AT DESCRIPTION BEGINNING CLOSE OF YEAR OF YEAR ACCOUNT 186 - MISCELLANEOUS DEFERRED DEBITS Deferred Billings 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE X RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT OR DEMONSTRATION EXPENDITURES INSTRUCTIONS: Provide a description of each material research, development, or demonstration project which incurred costs by the service corporation during the year. BALANCE AT DESCRIPTION CLOSE OF YEAR ACCOUNT 188 - RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT OR DEMONSTRATION EXPENDITURES 0 TOTAL 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE XI - PROPRIETARY CAPITAL NUMBER OF OUTSTANDING CLOSE OF PERIOD ACCOUNT CLASS OF SHARES PAR OR STATED NUMBER STOCK AUTHORIZED VALUE PER SHARE NO. OF SHARES TOTAL AMOUNT 201 COMMON STOCK ISSUED 10,000 1.00 100 100 INSTRUCTIONS: Classify amounts in each account with brief explanation, disclosing the general nature of transactions which gave rise to the reported amounts. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT 207 - PREMIUM ON COMMON STOCK 9,900 ACCOUNT 211 - MISCELLANEOUS PAID IN CAPITAL 100,000 ACCOUNT 215 - APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL 109,900 BALANCE AT NET INCOME BALANCE AT DESCRIPTION BEGINNING OR DIVIDENDS CLOSE OF YEAR (LOSS) PAID OF YEAR ACCOUNT 216 - UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS 45,119 (130,490) 0 (85,371) TOTAL 45,119 (130,490) 0 (85,371) ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE XII - LONG-TERM DEBT INSTRUCTIONS:Advances from associate companies should be reported separately for advances on notes, and advances on open account. Names of associate companies from which advances were received shall be shown under the class and series of obligation column. For Account 224 - Other long-term debt provide the name of creditor company or organization, terms of the obligation,date of maturity, interest rate, and the amount authorized and outstanding. TERMS OF OBLIG CLASS DATE BALANCE BALANCE NAME OF & SERIES OF INT. AMOUNT AT CLOSE 1/ AT CLOSE CREDITOR OF OBLIGATION MAT. RATE AUTH. OF YEAR ADDS DEDUCTS OF YEAR ACCOUNT 223 - ADVANCES FROM ASSOCIATE COMPANIES 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT 224 - OTHER LONG-TERM DEBT: 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 1/ GIVE AN EXPLANATION OF DEDUCTIONS: ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE XIII - CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES Provide balance of notes and accounts payable to each associate company. Give description and amount of miscellaneous current and accrued liabilities. Items less than $10,000 may be grouped, showing the number of items in each group. BALANCE AT BALANCE AT DESCRIPTION BEGINNING CLOSE OF YEAR OF YEAR ACCOUNT 233 - NOTES PAYABLE TO ASSOCIATE COMPANIES 0 150,810 MONEY POOL TOTAL 0 150,810 ACCOUNT 234 - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO ASSOCIATE COMPANIES Unitil Service Corp. 9,530 5,319 Unitil Power Corp. 93,267 105,627 TOTAL 102,797 110,946 ACCOUNT 242 - MISCELLANEOUS CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES Accrued Expenses 136,560 279 TOTAL 136,560 279 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE XIV NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT INSTRUCTIONS: The space below is provided for important notes regarding the financial statements or any account thereof. Furnish particulars as to any significant contingent assets or liabilities existing at the end of the year. Notes relating to financial statements shown elsewhere in this report may be indicated here by reference. Selected Notes to the Financial Statements: UNITIL Resources, Inc. (URI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of UNITIL Corporation, a public utility holding company, provides consulting and other services on energy related matters to non-affiliates. These services include power brokering financial, accounting, regulatory and related operational services. URI is subject to the jurisdiciton of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. URI prepares its financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE XV STATEMENT OF INCOME ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CURRENT PRIOR YEAR YEAR INCOME 451 Service revenue 444,012 128,265 451.01 Accrued and unbilled service revenue 45,914 39,663 419 Interest Income 0 0 421 Miscellaneous income or loss 2,027 14,438 Total Income 491,953 182,366 EXPENSE 920 Salaries and wages 0 0 921 Office supplies and expenses 4,253 5,825 922 Administrative expense transferred - credit 0 0 923 Outside services employed 151,360 376,970 924 Property insurance 0 0 925 Injuries and damages 513 863 926 Employee pensions and benefits 0 0 928 Regulatory commission expense 0 0 930.1 General advertising expense 604 53,227 930.2 Miscellaneous general expense 100 10,157 931 Rents 0 0 932 Maintenance of structures and equipment 0 0 403 Depreciation and amortization expense 0 0 408 Taxes other than income taxes 0 0 409 Income taxes (35,668) (179,138) 410 Provision for deferred income taxes 6 (962) 411 Provision for deferred income taxes - credit 0 0 411.5 Investment tax credit 0 0 426.1 Donations 0 0 426.5 Other deductions 0 0 427 Interest on long-term debt 0 0 430 Interest on debt to associate companies 0 0 431 Other interest expense 9,478 592 555 Purchase power expense 491,796 200,909 904 Customer accounting expense 0 2,500 Total Expense 622,442 470,943 Net Income or (Loss) (130,489) (288,577) ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 ANALYSIS OF BILLING ASSOCIATE COMPANIES ACCOUNT 451 DIRECT INDIRECT COMPENSATION TOTAL COSTS COSTS FOR USE AMOUNT NAME OF ASSOCIATE COMPANY CHARGED CHARGED OF CAPITAL BILLED 451 451 451 NONE TOTAL 0 0 0 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 ANALYSIS OF BILLING NONASSOCIATE COMPANIES ACCOUNT 451 DIRECT INDIRECT COMPENSATION EXCESS NAME OF COSTS COSTS FOR USE TOTAL OR TOTAL NONASSOCIATE CHARGED CHARGED OF CAPITAL CHARGES DEFICIENCY AMOUNT COMPANY 451 451 451 451 BILLED Short Term Contracts 6,200 0 6,200 0 6,200 NH Pilot Program 483,726 0 483,726 0 483,726 Total 489,926 0 0 489,926 0 489,926 INSTRUCTION: Provide a brief description of the services rendered to each nonassociate company. ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE XVI ANALYSIS OF CHARGES FOR SERVICE ASSOCIATE AND NONASSOCIATE COMPANIES ASSOCIATE COMPANY CHARGES DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS DIRECT INDIRECT COST COST TOTAL 920 SALARIES AND WAGES NOT APPLICABLE 0 921 OFFICE SUPPLES AND EXPENSES 0 922 ADMIN EXPENSE TRANS-CREDIT 0 923 OUTSIDE SERVICES EMPLOYED 0 924 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 925 INJURIES AND DAMAGES 0 926 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS AND BENEFITS 0 928 REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSE 0 930.1 GENERAL ADVERTISING EXPENSE 0 930.2 MISC. GENERAL EXPENSE 0 931 RENTS 0 932 MAINT. OF STRUCT. & EQUIP. 0 403 DEPR. AND AMORT. EXPENSE 0 408 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 0 409 INCOME TAXES 0 410 PROV FOR DEF INC TAXES 0 411 PROV FOR DEF INC TAX CREDIT 0 411.5 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT 0 419 INTEREST INCOME 0 426.1 DONATIONS 0 426.5 OTHER DEDUCTIONS 0 427 INTEREST ON LONG-TERM DEBT 0 431 OTHER INTEREST EXPENSE 0 SUBTOTAL EXPENSES 0 0 0 COMPENSATION FOR USE OF EQUITY CAPITAL 0 430 INTEREST ON DEBT TO ASSOCIATE CO.'S 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENSES 0 0 0 421 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0 0 0 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 0 0 0 SCHEDULE XVI ANALYSIS OF CHARGES FOR SERVICE ASSOCIATE AND NONASSOCIATE COMPANIES NONASSOCIATE COMPANY CHARGES DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS DIRECT INDIRECT COST COST TOTAL 920 SALARIES AND WAGES 0 921 OFFICE SUPPLES AND EXPENSES 0 922 ADMIN EXPENSE TRANS-CREDIT 0 923 OUTSIDE SERVICES EMPLOYED 0 924 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 925 INJURIES AND DAMAGES 0 926 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS AND BENEFITS 0 928 REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSE 0 930.1 GENERAL ADVERTISING EXPENSE 0 930.2 MISC. GENERAL EXPENSE 0 931 RENTS 0 932 MAINT. OF STRUCT. & EQUIP. 0 403 DEPR. AND AMORT. EXPENSE 0 408 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 0 409 INCOME TAXES 0 410 PROV FOR DEF INC TAXES 0 411 PROV FOR DEF INC TAX CREDIT 0 411.5 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT 0 419 INTEREST INCOME 0 426.1 DONATIONS 0 426.5 OTHER DEDUCTIONS 0 427 INTEREST ON LONG-TERM DEBT 0 431 OTHER INTEREST EXPENSE 0 SUBTOTAL EXPENSES 0 0 0 COMPENSATION FOR USE OF EQUITY CAPITAL 0 430 INTEREST ON DEBT TO ASSOCIATE CO.'S 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENSES 0 0 0 421 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0 0 0 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 0 0 0 SCHEDULE XVI ANALYSIS OF CHARGES FOR SERVICE ASSOCIATE AND NONASSOCIATE COMPANIES TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS DIRECT INDIRECT COST COST TOTAL 920 SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 0 921 OFFICE SUPPLES AND EXPENSES 0 0 0 922 ADMIN EXPENSE TRANS-CREDIT 0 0 0 923 OUTSIDE SERVICES EMPLOYED 0 0 0 924 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 0 0 925 INJURIES AND DAMAGES 0 0 0 926 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS AND BENEFITS 0 0 0 928 REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSE 0 0 0 930.1 GENERAL ADVERTISING EXPENSE 0 0 0 930.2 MISC. GENERAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 931 RENTS 0 0 0 932 MAINT. OF STRUCT. & EQUIP. 0 0 0 403 DEPR. AND AMORT. EXPENSE 0 0 0 408 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 0 0 0 409 INCOME TAXES 0 0 0 410 PROV FOR DEF INC TAXES 0 0 0 411 PROV FOR DEF INC TAX CREDIT 0 0 0 411.5 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT 0 0 0 419 INTEREST INCOME 0 0 0 426.1 DONATIONS 0 0 0 426.5 OTHER DEDUCTIONS 0 0 0 427 INTEREST ON LONG-TERM DEBT 0 0 0 431 OTHER INTEREST EXPENSE 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL EXPENSES 0 0 0 COMPENSATION FOR USE OF EQUITY CAPITAL 0 430 INTEREST ON DEBT TO ASSOCIATE CO.'S 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENSES 0 0 0 421 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0 0 0 TOTAL COST OF SERVICE 0 0 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE XVII SCHEDULE OF EXPENSE DISTRIBUTION BY DEPARTMENT OR SERVICE FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR FUNCTION DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS TOTAL OVER- AMOUNT HEAD NONE 920 SALARIES AND WAGES 0 921 OFFICE SUPPLES AND EXPENSES 0 Non-applicable 922 ADMIN. EXPENSE TRANS-CREDIT 0 923 OUTSIDE SERVICES EMPLOYED 0 924 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 925 INJURIES AND DAMAGES 0 926 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS AND BENEFITS 0 928 REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSE 0 930.1 GENERAL ADVERTISING EXPENSE 0 930.2 MISC. GENERAL EXPENSE 0 931 RENTS 0 932 MAINT. OF STRUCT. & EQUIP. 0 403 DEPR. AND AMORT. EXPENSE 0 408 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 0 409 INCOME TAXES 0 410 PROV. FOR DEF. INC. TAXES 0 411 PROV. FOR DEF. INC. TAX CREDIT 0 411.5 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT 0 426.1 DONATIONS 0 426.5 OTHER DEDUCTIONS 0 427 INTEREST ON LONG-TERM DEBT 0 430 INTEREST ON DEBT TO ASSOCIATE COMPANIES 0 431 OTHER INTEREST EXPENSE 0 TOTAL EXPENSES - 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 DEPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS OF SALARIES ACCOUNT 920 DEPARTMENT SALARY EXPENSE NUMBER NAME OF DEPARTMENT INCLUDED IN AMOUNTS BILLED TO PERSONNEL Indicate each department TOTAL PARENT OTHER NON END OF or service function AMOUNT COMPANY ASSOCIATES ASSOCIATES YEAR Non-applicable TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 OUTSIDE SERVICES EMPLOYED ACCOUNT 923 INSTRUCTIONS: Provide a breakdown by subaccount of outside services employed. If the aggregate amounts paid to any one payee and included within one subaccount is less than $100,000, only the aggregate number and amount of all such payments included within the subaccount need be shown. Provide a subtotal for each type of service. RELATIONSHIP "A"= ASSOCIATE FROM WHOM PURCHASED ADDRESS "NA"=NON AMOUNT ASSOCIATE Outside Services - Accounting and Management UNITIL Service Corp. A 117,723 Outside Services - Legal LeBoeuf, Lamb, Green, & MacRae NA 25,323 Outside Services -Audit Grant Thornton NA 2,001 Outside Services - Other NA 6,313 TOTAL 151,360 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS AND BENEFITS ACCOUNT 926 INSTRUCTIONS: Provide a listing of each pension plan and benefit program provided by the service company. Such listing should be limited to $25,000. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NONE TOTAL 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 GENERAL ADVERTISING EXPENSES ACCOUNT 930.1 INSTRUCTIONS: Provide a listing of the amounts included in Account 930.1 "General Advertising Expenses", classifying the items according to the nature of the advertising and as defined in the account definition. If a particular class includes an amount in excess of $3,000 applicable to a single payee, show separately the name of the payee and the aggregate amount applicable thereto. DESCRIPTION NAME OF PAYEE AMOUNT Advertising Miscellaneous 604 TOTAL 604 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL EXPENSES ACCOUNT 930.2 INSTRUCTIONS: Provide a listing of the amount included in Account 930.02 "Miscellaneous General Expense", classifying such expenses according to their nature. Payments and expenses permitted by Section 321 (b) (2) of the Federal Election Campaign Act, as amended by Public Law 94-283 in 1976 (2 U.S.C. 441 (b) (2) shall be separately classified. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT State of New Hampshire 100 TOTAL 100 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 RENTS ACCOUNT 931 INSTRUCTIONS: Provide a listing of the amount included in Account 931, "Rents" classifying such expenses by major groupings of property, as defined in the account definition of the Uniform System of Accounts. TYPE OF PROPERTY AMOUNT None TOTAL 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME TAXES ACCOUNT 408 INSTRUCTIONS: Provide an analysis of Account 408, "Taxes Other Than Income Taxes". Separate the analysis into two groups: (1) other than U. S. Government and (2) U.S. Government taxes. Specify each of the various kinds of taxes and show the amounts there of. Provide a subtotal for each class of tax. KIND OF TAX AMOUNT None TOTAL 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 DONATIONS ACCOUNT 426.1 INSTRUCTIONS: Provide a listing of the amount included in Account 426.1, "Donations", classifying such expenses by its purpose. The aggregate number and amount of all items of less than $3,000 may be shown in lieu of details. NAME OF RECIPIENT PURPOSE OF DONATION AMOUNT None TOTAL 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 OTHER DEDUCTIONS ACCOUNT 426.5 INSTRUCTIONS: Provide a listing of the amount included in Account 426.5, "Other Deductions", classifying such expenses according to their nature. DESCRIPTION NAME OF PAYEE AMOUNT None TOTAL 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE XVIII NOTES TO STATEMENT OF INCOME INSTRUCTIONS: The space below is provided for important notes regarding the statement of income or any account thereof. Furnish particulars as to any significant increases in services rendered or expenses incurred during the year. Notes relating to financial statements shown elsewhere in this report may be indicated here by reference. See page 19. ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SCHEDULE XIX - FINANCIAL DATA SCHEDULE ITEM NO. CAPTION HEADING AMOUNT 1 Net Service Company Property 0 2 Total Investments 0 3 Total Current and Accrued Assets 221,312 4 Total Deferred Debits 0 5 Balancing Amount for Total Assets and Other Debits 0 6 Total Assets and Other Debits 221,312 7 Total Proprietary Capital 24,629 8 Total Long-Term Debt 0 9 Notes Payable 0 10 Notes Payable to Associate Companies 0 11 Balancing Amount for Total Current and Accrued Liabilities 197,639 12 Total Deferred Credits 0 13 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (956) 14 Total Liabilities and Proprietary Capital 221,312 15 Service Revenue 444,012 16 Accrued and Unbilled Service Revenue 45,914 17 Miscellaneous Income or Loss 2,027 18 Total Income 491,953 19 Salaries and Wages 0 20 Employee Pensions and Benefits 0 21 Balancing Amount for Total Expenses 622,442 22 Total Expenses 622,442 23 Net Income (Loss) (130,489) 24 Total Expenses (Direct Costs) N/A 25 Total Expenses (Indirect Costs) N/A 26 Total Expenses (Total) 622,442 27 Number of Personnel End of Year 0 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 ORGANIZATION CHART AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1997 President Gantz Vice President Dalton Vice President Daly Chief Financial Officer Siart Controller Brock Secretary Whitney ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 METHODS OF ALLOCATION See UNITIL Service Corp. U-13-60 ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 ANNUAL STATEMENT OF COMPENSATION FOR USE OF CAPITAL BILLED Non applicable ANNUAL REPORT OF UNITIL RESOURCES, INC. FORM U-13-60 For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 SIGNATURE CLAUSE Pursuant to the requirements of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 and the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission issued thereunder, the undersigned company has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned officer thereunto duly authorized, UNITIL Resources, Inc. (Name of Reporting Company) By: /s/Laurence M. Brock (Signature of Signing Officer) Laurence M. Brock, Controller (Printed Name and Title of Signing Officer) Date: