Washington, D.C.  20549


For Quarter Ended       March 31, 1998       

Commission File Number   1-8858  

            Unitil Corporation           
 (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

       New Hampshire                                     02-0381573     
(State or other jurisdiction of                         (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                           Identification No.)

   6 Liberty Lane West, Hampton, New Hampshire           03842        
  (Address of principal executive office)               (Zip Code)

          (603) 772-0775          
(Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

 (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

 Yes  X   No    

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

    Class                                 Outstanding at  May 1, 1998
    Common Stock, No par value            4,491,919 Shares



Part I. Financial Information                                   Page No.

Consolidated Statements of Earnings - Three
        Months Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997                      3

Consolidated Balance Sheets, March 31, 1998,
        March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1997                      4-5

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Three Months
        Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997                             6

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                        7-8

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of
        Operations and Financial Condition                        9-12

Exhibit 11 - Computation of Earnings per Average
        Common Share Outstanding                                  13

Part II.  Other Information                                       14


(000's except common shares and per share data) 

	Three Months Ended March 31,		
                                                  1998            1997
Operating Revenues:			
   Electric                                      $37,659         $38,058
   Gas                                             6,326           7,266
   Other                                               8               8
     Total Operating Revenues                     43,993          45,332
Operating Expenses:			
   Fuel and Purchased Power                       25,142          25,472
   Gas Purchased for Resale                        3,595           4,366
   Operating and Maintenance                       5,630           5,647
   Depreciation                                    1,923           1,902
   Amort. of Cost of Abandoned Properties            407             401
   Provisions for Taxes:			
     Local Property and Other                      1,407           1,371
     Federal and State Income                      1,370           1,558
       Total Operating Expenses                   39,474          40,717
Operating Income                                   4,519           4,615
   Non-Operating Expense                              44               6
Income Before Interest Expense                     4,475           4,609
   Interest Expense, Net                           1,853           1,695
Net Income                                         2,622           2,914
   Less Dividends on Preferred Stock                  69              69
Net Income Applicable to Common Stock             $2,553          $2,845
Average Common Shares Outstanding              4,478,334       4,389,566
Basic Earnings Per Share                           $0.57           $0.65
Diluted Earnings Per Share                         $0.56           $0.64
Dividends Declared per Share			
   of Common Stock (Note 1)                        $0.68           $0.67


(The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.)


                                        (UNAUDITED)             (AUDITED)       
                                          March 31,             December 31,
                                       1998         1997             1997
Utility Plant:					
  Electric                           $168,631     $160,109          $166,636
  Gas                                  30,686       28,887            30,473
  Common                               19,757       18,641            19,689
  Construction Work in Progress         3,052        2,376             2,677
    Utility Plant                     222,126      210,013           219,475
    Less:  Accum. Depreciation         69,915       65,518            68,360
       Net Utility Plant              152,211      144,495           151,115
Other Property & Investments               42           42                42
Current Assets:					
  Cash                                  3,252        3,270             2,337
  Accounts Receivable - Less
   Allow. for Doubtful Accounts                              
   of $669, $697 and $653              17,600       17,705            16,890
  Materials and Supplies                2,043        1,819             2,663
  Prepayments                             763          773               434
  Accrued Revenue                       2,905        6,436             6,796
      Total Current Assets             26,563       30,003            29,120
Deferred Assets:					
  Debt Issuance Costs                     903          815               918
  Cost of Abandoned Properties         23,446       25,031            23,885
  Prepaid Pension Costs                 8,240        7,526             8,120
  Other Deferred Assets                24,832       23,900            24,777
      Total Deferred Assets            57,421       57,272            57,700
TOTAL                                $236,237     $231,812          $237,977

(The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.)


                                         (UNAUDITED)             (AUDITED) 
                                          March 31,             December 31,
                                       1998         1997             1997
  Common Stock Equity                  $71,720     $69,704           $71,644
  Preferred Stock,
   Non-Redeemable, Non-Cumulative          225         225               225
  Preferred Stock,
   Redeemable, Cumulative                3,655       3,666             3,666
  Long-Term Debt,
   Less Current Portion                 60,771      57,900            63,896
      Total Capitalization             136,371     131,495           139,431
Capitalized Leases,
  Less Current Portion                   4,136       4,449             4,733
Current Liabilities:					
  Long-Term Debt, Current Portion        4,537       4,272             4,470
  Capitalized Leases, Current Portion    1,227         903               883
  Accounts Payable                      15,865      14,858            14,734
  Short-Term Debt                       15,300      17,550            18,000
  Dividends Declared and Payable         1,784         197               212
  Refundable Customer Deposits           1,744       1,644             2,187
  Taxes Payable (Refundable)             1,270       1,937              (554)
  Interest Payable                       1,203       1,427             1,087
  Other Current Liabilities              3,018       2,532             2,635
      Total Current Liabilities         45,948      45,320            43,654
Deferred Liabilities:					    
  Investment Tax Credits                 1,384       1,566             1,437
  Other Deferred Liabilities             7,655       8,442             7,864
    Total Deferred Liabilities           9,039      10,008             9,301
Deferred Income Taxes                   40,743      40,540            40,858
TOTAL                                 $236,237    $231,812          $237,977

(The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.)


                                                Three Months Ended March 31, 
                                                     1998             1997
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:			
  Net Income                                        $2,622            $2,914
  Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to 			
    Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities:			
     Depreciation and Amortization                   2,324             2,303
     Deferred Taxes Provided                            99                (9)
     Amortization of Investment Tax Credit             (53)              (43)
     Amortization for Debt Issuance Costs               16                14
     Provision of Doubtful Accounts                    189               222
  Changes in Assets and Liabilities:			
   (Increase) Decrease in:			
     Accounts Receivable                              (900)           (1,544)
     Materials and Supplies                            620               660
     Prepayments and Prepaid Pension                  (449)             (470)
     Accrued Revenue                                 3,891             2,423
   Increase (Decrease) in:			
     Accounts Payable                                1,131              (245)
     Refundable Customer Deposits                     (443)               58
     Taxes and Interest Payable                      1,939             2,028
     Other, Net                                       (188)              140
       Net Cash Provided by                     
       Operating Activities                         10,798             8,451
Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
     Acquisition of Property, Plant and Equipment   (2,958)           (2,571)
           Net Cash Used in Investing Activities    (2,958)           (2,571)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:			
     Net Decrease in Short-Term Debt                (2,700)           (3,850)
     Repayment of Long-Term Debt                    (3,057)              (39)
     Dividends Paid                                 (1,548)           (1,531)
     Issuance of Common Stock                          644               229
     Retirement of Preferred Stock                     (11)     
     Repayment of Capital Lease Obligations           (253)             (322)
          Net Cash Used in Financing Activities     (6,925)           (5,513)
Net Increase in Cash                                   915               367
Cash at Beginning of Year                            2,337             2,903
Cash at March 31,                                   $3,252            $3,270
Supplemental Cash Flow Information:			
    Interest Paid                                   $1,773            $1,849
    Federal Income Taxes Paid                          ---               ---    

(The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.)


Note 1.
Dividends Declared Per Share:

	Two regular quarterly common stock dividends were declared during the
first quarter of 1998 and 1997.

Common Stock Dividend:

	On March 5, 1998, the Company's Board of Directors declared its regular
quarterly dividend on the Company's Common Stock of $0.34 per share which is
payable on May 15, 1998 to shareholders of record  as of May 1, 1998.

	On January 20, 1998, the Company's Board of Directors approved a 1.5%
increase to the dividend rate on its common stock.  The new regular dividend
rate is $0.34 per share and was payable February 13, 1998 to shareholders of
record as of January 30, 1998.

Note 2.

Common Stock:

	During the first quarter of 1998, the Company sold 9,849 shares of
Common Stock, at an average price of $25.32 per share, in connection with its
Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan and its 401(k) plans.  Net
proceeds of $249,412 were used to reduce short-term borrowings.

Note 3.

Preferred Stock:

	Details on preferred stock at March 31, 1998, March 31, 1997 and
December 31, 1997 are shown below (000's):

                                          March 31,             December 31,
                                       1998         1997             1997
Preferred Stock:					
  Non-Redeemable, Non-Cumulative,					
    6%, $100 Par Value                    $225        $225              $225
  Redeemable, Cumulative,					
    $100 Par Value:					
    8.70% Series                           215         215               215
    5% Dividend Series                      91          91                91
    6% Dividend Series                     168         168               168
    8.75% Dividend Series                  333         344               344
    8.25% Dividend Series                  406         406               406
    5.125% Dividend Series               1,035       1,035             1,035
    8% Dividend Series                   1,407       1,407             1,407
     Total Redeemable Preferred Stock    3,655       3,666             3,666
         Total Preferred Stock          $3,880      $3,891            $3,891

Note 4.

Long-term Debt:

	Details on long-term debt at March 31, 1998, March 31, 1997 and
December 31, 1997 are shown below (000's):

                                               March 31,        December 31,
                                            1998        1997           1997
Concord Electric Company:					
  First Mortgage Bonds:					
Series C, 6 3/4%, due Jan. 15, 1998          ---      $1,520          $1,520
Series H, 9.43%, due Sept. 1, 2003         5,200       5,850           5,200
Series I, 8.49%, due Oct. 14, 2024         6,000       6,000           6,000
Exeter & Hampton Electric Company:					
  First Mortgage Bonds:					
Series E, 6 3/4%, due Jan. 15, 1998          ---         497             498
Series H, 8.50%, due Dec. 15, 2002           700         805             700
Series J, 9.43%, due Sept. 1, 2003         4,000       4,500           4,000
Series K, 8.49%, due Oct. 14, 2024         9,000       9,000           9,000
Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company:					
  Promissory Notes:					
8.55% Notes due Mar. 31, 2004             14,000      15,000          15,000
6.75% Notes due Nov. 30, 2023             19,000      19,000          19,000
Unitil Realty Corporation:					
  Senior Secured Notes:					
8.00% Notes due Aug. 1, 2017               7,408         ---           7,448
Total                                     65,308      62,172          68,366
Less: Installments due within one year     4,537       4,272           4,470
Total Long-term Debt                     $60,771     $57,900         $63,896

Note 5.

	In the opinion of the Company, the accompanying unaudited consolidated
financial statements contain all adjustments (consisting only of normal
recurring accruals) necessary to present fairly the consolidated financial
position as of March 31, 1998 and 1997; and results of operations for the three
months ended March 31, 1998 and 1997; and consolidated statements of cash flows
for the three months ended March 31, 1998 and 1997.  Reclassifications are made
periodically to amounts previously reported to conform with current year

	The results of operations for the three months ended March 31, 1998 and
1997 are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full




Basic earnings per average common share were $0.57 for the first quarter of
1998, versus $0.65 for the first quarter of 1997.  This decrease of $0.08 per
share, or 12%, primarily reflects lower electric and gas revenues billed
following the warmest winter on record. The change also reflects the effects of
deregulation and restructuring of the electric utility industry in
Massachusetts, and higher interest expenses.

The weather in the first quarter, as measured by heating degree days, was 16%
warmer than normal and 7% warmer than last year.  In Unitil's service
territories, temperatures were at the highest level, ever, in the 103 years
such data has been kept. As a result, kilowatt hour sales were relatively flat
and gas firm therm sales, (most sensitive to weather) declined 4.7%. Revenues
were also down because of lower peak billing demands for electricity during the
milder winter.

On March 1, 1998, customers of Unitil's Massachusetts electric utility,
Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company (FG&E), gained the right to choose
their electric power supplier. At the same time, they also received a 10%
retail rate discount under a statewide legislated mandate.  (See RESTRUCTURING

Interest expense was higher for the quarter, due to increased borrowings and
higher interest rates than the same period last year.  

                                          Three Months Ended
                                       3/31/98     3/31/97           % Change
  Electric Sales and Revenue:                                

  Total KWH Sales                      391,987     388,988             0.8 %

  Distribution Revenue                 $11,717    $12,553             (6.7)% 
  Energy Sales Revenue                  25 942     25,505              1.7 % 
   Total Electric Revenue              $37,659    $38,058             (1.0)%

  Gas Sales and Revenue:                                

  Total Firm Therm Sales                $9,776    $10,255             (4.7)%

  Distribution Revenue                  $2,667     $2,833             (5.9)% 
  Energy Sales Revenue                   3,659      4,433            (17.5)%
   Total Gas Revenue                    $6,326     $7,266            (12.9)%

  Other Revenue                              8          8             (0.0)%

  Total Revenue                        $43,993    $45,332             (3.0)%

Total Operating Revenues for the Unitil System of companies decreased 3% to
$44.0 million in the first quarter of 1998 from $45.3 million in the first
quarter of 1997, as shown in the table on this page.  Electric Distribution
Revenues declined during the quarter by 6.7% to $11.7 million from $12.5
million in the first quarter of 1997.  Electric and Gas Distribution Revenues
are operating revenues which the Company realizes for the distribution and
delivery of electricity and gas to its customers across the local distribution
system. These types of revenues have a direct impact on net income.

Electric Energy Sales Revenues are operating revenues which are collected from
customers as separate components of their monthly bill, and do not affect net
income, as they normally mirror costs related to energy supply.  As of March 1,
1998, the Company's Massachusetts customers now have a choice to secure their
energy supply from competitive suppliers or to continue receiving energy
services from the Company through standard offer and default services. Unitil
expects revenues for the balance of 1998  to be negatively impacted by the
effects of industry restructuring in Massachusetts.

Gas Distribution Revenues declined 5.9% for the quarter, to $2.7 million
compared to $2.8 million in the same period last year. The decline reflects the
lower consumption of energy during the warmer heating season.  Gas Energy Sales
Revenues are revenues collected under the  Company's cost-of-gas adjustment
mechanism, and do not affect net income.

	Regulatory activity in both New Hampshire and Massachusetts continues
to focus on deregulating the retail sale of electric energy. March 1, 1998 was
the "Retail Access Date" or the beginning of competition in Massachusetts, while
New Hampshire's "Choice Date" slipped past the proposed January 1, 1998, and
probably will not make the legislature's mandated July 1, 1998. Both states'
restructuring efforts have focused on allowing customers to choose their
supplier of electricity from the competitive market, and have their local
utility deliver that electricity over its distribution systems at regulated

	On December 31, 1997, FG&E filed its restructuring plan (the "Plan")
with the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Energy (MDTE) as
required by the Massachusetts restructuring law enacted in November, 1997.
The Plan provides customers with: a) choice of energy supplier; b) an optional
transition energy service provided by FG&E at regulated rates for up to seven
years; and c) a 10% price decrease.  The MDTE conditionally approved the Plan
for effect on March 1, 1998, and set a procedural schedule that, following
evidentiary hearings, should result in final approval of the Plan by the MDTE
in June, 1998.  In the Plan, FG&E has proposed to divest of owned and leased
generation units and its portfolio of purchased power contracts by year end
1998.  Also under the Plan, to the extent that the divestiture fails to recoup
the full cost of electric supply resources, the Company will be afforded full
recovery of any shortfall through non-bypassable retail access charges.
	When the Company receives a Final Order from the DTE on its Plan, the
Company will be able to determine, in sufficient detail, the impact of
deregulation on the generation portion of FG&E's business.  At that point, the
Company will be able to measure the effect of the Final Order on the generation
portion of its business that will no longer be regulated and on the
distribution portion of its business that will remain regulated.  As a result,
the Company may be required to stop applying the provisions of Statement of
Financial Accouning Standards 71, "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types
of Regulation," to a portion of its business.  Upon receiving the Final Order,
the Company will review the measurement and recording of  Regulatory Assets and
Liabilities arising from the Final Order.  Based upon settlements already
reached between other Electric Utilities and the DTE in Massachusetts, the
Company believes it will recover its generation investments and the above market
portion of its power contract commitments through regulated cash flows to be
realized from the distribution portion of FG&E's business.

New Hampshire
	On February 28, 1997, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission
(NHPUC) issued its Final Plan for transition to a competitive electric market
in New Hampshire.  The order allowed Concord Electric Company (CECo) and Exeter
& Hampton Electric Company (E&H), Unitil's New Hampshire based retail
distribution utilities, to recover 100% of costs which will be "stranded" due
to this restructuring, but also took positions undermining the legal basis for
such recovery in the future.  Northeast Utilities' affiliate, Public Service
Company of New Hampshire, appealed the decision in Federal Court, which issued
a temporary restraining order.  In June 1997, Unitil was admitted as a
Plaintiff Intervenor in this proceeding.  On March 20, 1998, the NHPUC issued
Order No. 22,875 affirming in part and modifying in part its February 29, 1997
Final Plan.  The new NHPUC order required CECo, E&H and all other New Hampshire
electric utilities except the Public Service Company of New Hampshire to submit
a compliance filing by May 1, 1998.  CECo and E&H submitted a response to the
NHPUC's March 20 order on May 1 which included: a) unbundled delivery service
rates; b) plans to implement the NHPUC affiliate rules when promulgated, miti
gate stranded costs, implement low-income customer policies, meet the energy
needs of special contract customers and implement data transfers electronically
with suppliers; c) proposed tariffs for delivery services; and d) proposed
terms and conditions for interfacing with competitive suppliers.  Unitil
continues to participate actively in all proceedings and in NHPUC-established
working groups which will define the details of the transition to competition
and customer choice.  However, it now appears that competition will be delayed
beyond the original legislative timetable of July 1, 1998.

	The Company continues to work towards a comprehensive settlement of all
restructuring issues for Unitil.   In February, a Preliminary Agreement
outlining the basic elements of such a settlement was executed with several
parties, and discussions are continuing.

	Unitil Resources, Inc., the Company's competitive market subsidiary,
continues to participate in the New Hampshire Retail Competition Pilot Program
(Pilot Program), which began in May 1996.


	Unitil's Massachusetts operating subsidiary, Fitchburg Gas and Electric
Light Company, has a 0.217% nonoperating ownership in the Millstone Unit No. 3
(Millstone 3) nuclear generating unit which supplies it with 2.49 megawatts
(MW) of electric capacity. In January 1996 the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) placed Millstone 3 on its watch list as a Category 2 facility, which calls
for increased NRC inspection attention. In March 1996 the NRC requested
additional information about the operation of the unit from Northeast Utilities
companies (NU), which operate the unit. As a result of an engineering evaluation
completed by NU, Millstone 3 was taken out of service on March 30, 1996. The
NRC later informed NU, in a letter dated June 28, 1996, that it had reclassified
Millstone 3 as a Category 3 facility. The NRC assigns this rating to plants
which it deems to have significant weaknesses that warrant maintaining the plant
in shutdown condition until the operator demonstrates that adequate programs
have been established and implemented to ensure substantial improvement in the
operation of the plant. The NRC's letter also informed NU that this designation
would require the NRC staff to obtain NRC approval by vote prior to a restart
of the unit.  The other Millstone nuclear units are also out of service and
listed as Category 3 facilities.

	In March 1998, NU announced that Millstone 3 has been designated as the
lead unit in the recovery process for the Millstone units, and plans to have the
unit ready for restart in the second quarter of 1998, and back on line in the
third quarter of 1998.  During the period that Millstone 3 is out of service,
FG&E will continue to incur its proportionate share of the unit's ongoing
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs, and may incur additional O&M costs and
capital expenditures to meet NRC requirements.  FG&E will also incur costs to
replace the power that was expected to be generated by the unit.   During the
outage, FG&E has been incurring approximately $35,000 per month in replacement
power costs, and has been recovering these costs through its fuel adjustment
clause, which will be subject to review and approval by the MDTE. In August
1997, FG&E, in concert with other nonoperating joint owners, filed a demand
for arbitration in Connecticut and a lawsuit in Massachusetts, in an effort to
recover costs associated with the extended unplanned shutdown and the associated
costs. The arbitration and legal cases are actively proceeding.


	Capital expenditures for the three months ended March 31, 1998 were
approximately $3.0 million. This compares to $2.6 million during the same period
last year.  Capital expenditures for the year 1998 are estimated to be
approximately $15.0 million as compared to $13.9 million for 1997. This
projection reflects normal capital expenditures for utility system expansions,
replacements and other improvements.


	The Company is involved in legal and administrative proceedings and
claims of various types which arise in the ordinary course of business. In the
opinion of the Company's management, based upon information furnished by
counsel and others, the ultimate resolution of these claims will not have a
material impact on the Company's financial position.



(000's except for per share data)

 BASIC                                    Three Months Ended March 31,     
EARNINGS PER SHARE                            1998            1997
Net Income                                    2,622          $2,914
Less: Dividend Requirement			
     on Preferred Stock                          69              69
Net Income Applicable			
    to Common Stock                          $2,553          $2,845
Average Number of Common			
    Shares Outstanding                        4,478           4,390
Basic Earnings Per Common Share               $0.57           $0.65

 DILUTED                                  Three Months Ended March 31,     
EARNINGS PER SHARE                            1998            1997
Net Income                                   $2,622          $2,914
Less: Dividend Requirement			
     on Preferred Stock                          69              69
Net Income Applicable			
    to Common Stock                          $2,553          $2,845
Average Number of Common			
    Shares Outstanding                        4,590           4,498
Diluted Earnings Per Common Share             $0.56           $0.64


Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

	(a)	Exhibits

	Exhibit No.	Description of Exhibit			Reference

	  	11	Computation in Support of
                        Earnings Per Average Common Share       Filed herewith

	(b)	Reports on Form 8-K

	During the quarter ended March 31, 1998, the Company did not 
	file any reports on Form 8-K.


	Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                       UNITIL CORPORATION  

Date:  May 14, 1998   			         /s/   Anthony Baratta                 
                                                       Anthony Baratta 
                                                       Chief Financial Officer

Date:  May 14, 1998                              /s/   Mark H. Collin          
                                                       Mark H. Collin